
Why was “God” put into the fabric of America?
Our founding fathers were not only ‘of good heart’, but they they were wise. They had just run away from being told how to ‘believe’ in their own personal God. Having experienced this first hand, I find it unfathomable to think that they would attempt to guide, or force an individual’s (for lack of other words) “creationary beliefs.” They knew from both experience and wisdom that this will always lead to division between people in a society.
However, the issue arises that no country can excel without a strong base morality. Our founders had the wisdom to see that regardless of which “God” people believed in, people who had a “God” generally also had a base morality. John Adams said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” I believe that Benjamin Franklin was also insinuating the same thing when he told people asking what form the new government was, “A Republic, If You Can Keep It.”
Therefore in order to create a “More Perfect Union” that respects each other and also consistently makes choices that are truly for the public good a general mention of “deity” was necessary. The most common known address for deity is God so that is what they used.
The unfortunate part of that for us today is the Founders never imagined that society could be overwhelmed by what I call “negative religions.” Without specifying any religion (including communism), I would just define the term negative religion by saying, “Any belief that accepts or encourages actions seen as immoral or evil by the common beliefs of the Founding Fathers.” They just assumed that good people would not accept immoral activities among them and would prevent those activities from becoming main stream. While these immoral action are not currently main stream, the main stream media and the government seem to be trying to make them so.
- Here are a few things “immoral things” found acceptable by negative religions:
- Stealing (shoplifting is basically sanctioned my law in some US cities)
- Making Open death threats to citizens, elected officials and Past Presidents
- Child Mutilation (cutting off functional parts of the body of a minor)
- Child Mental/Sexual Abuse (exposing minors and children as young as 3 to sexual concepts and materials)
- Blood Rituals
- Damaging a person’s property, reputation, or career over the use, or misuse, of newly redefined language which has been deemed to be offensive.
- “Anyone who does not believe like us does not deserve to live”
- A belief that there are mental/moral differences between human beings that can be determined by skin color or other physical characteristics.
The very idea of “morality” is under attack in this country. Help me return God, Morality and Justice to America.