The County Sheriff
Remember. According the Federal Precedence, your County Sheriff is The Highest Legal Authority in your County. The Sheriff is sworn to uphold the Constitution. If they determine that the Governor or Legislature, or President have violated the Constitution, they can enforce differently in their jurisdiction, including barring State or Federal entities from enforcing against that County’s Citizens. Everyone should be reaching out to their County Sheriffs for protection.
This Order (link to .docx file, right click and choose “save as”) clearly states the protections your County Sheriff should be offering you. It was written for, and about, COVID. But the premise and statements apply to any violation of the Constitution by government officials. The letter is written for Oregon and should be modified to fit specific jurisdictions and Sheriffs.
When Constitutional violations reach the level that they did under the COVID regulations, every sheriff should be asked to issue such an order and on the basis of these federal rulings. If you are electing a Sheriff, ask them, “Are you willing to stand between me and a tyrannical government seeking to take away my constitutional rights?” You should also ask them if they support the formation and training of local militia.
Sheriff’s as highest government authority in their county, higher than Governor or President:
Butler v. Wolf opinion:
Printz v United States:
Actual Printz v United States opinion: