Some Roads…

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In Life, there are many roads you can travel. Some roads lead directly to success and some roads lead directly to ruin. Some roads lead to stigma, others lead to fame (both good and bad). Some roads have many possible exit points, and others have little or no exits along the way. Then there are the roads that put a choke hold on your soul and enslave you in ways that you may never escape. Of course I am not talking about actual asphalt or cement strips where people travel from one place to another. I am talking about pathways of thought and philosophy.

For over 100 years, Liberals in the United States have been leading us all down some roads that never end well.

When children are raised to accept responsibility for their actions, they become responsible adults. Responsible adults tend to act in ways that are more beneficial to society overall. This is because peer pressure is a powerful thing. Most people do not wish to be ridiculed by their friends, family and neighbors because that means being held responsible for their actions. The Liberals in the USA have pushed us all down a road where it has become acceptable to blame others instead of being responsible for your own actions. It has even become main streat to blame society as a whole, for a person’s individual actions. By virtue of accepting this false premise, we have progressively begun to accept crimes of individuals as “unavoidable results” caused by unrelated Humans and events. This is a road we never should have stepped foot on in the first place. All Humans MUST be responsible for their own actions (especially in government). Bad actors of all types have been taking us down the road of utilizing the loophole created by this philosophy to destroy the moral core of our Country. It must stop.

If your child begins to steal things and you do not find that agreeable, you must take clear and immediate action. Your action must make it clear that stealing is an unacceptable and intolerable practice that can result in both familial and societal sanctions and penalties. Failure to take clear and immediate action generally results in the child believing that stealing is both beneficial and acceptable. Basically, when your child starts down this “road” it is important to yank them off of it as soon as possible. Failure to do so will very likely lead the child into a life of crime. Today, liberals in this country are attempting to lead the entire nation into believing that nearly everything that was once morally and ethically unacceptable is now ok. They preach that ok to burn, loot and destroy other people’s property and that love of God and Country are evil things. That is NEVER ok and it must stop.

Certain things in this world are obvious and easy to understand. Such as, “A person who respects all Humans regardless of individual physical aspects or personal philosophies is generally a good person.”

A while back I got asked to sign on to a “middle of the road solution to global warming.” The kid calling me was pushing for the sale of Carbon Credits in Oregon as a “bipartisan” way of dealing with Global Warming. While making “bipartisan deals” sounds cooperative, it can be a trap. If I sign on to this, I am basically signing on to the belief that humans are in danger from “global warming.” Once I sign on to that religious belief, I open myself up to being coerced into accepting other related religious beliefs based on similar logic stemming from that religious position. I choose to believe the scientific evidence rather than superstitious rumors.

The science on this issue is clear and obvious. The earth’s average temperature has been in flux for as long as humans have recorded atmospheric conditions due to “changes in climate.” At this point in history, the planet’s temperature fluctuation is neither more rapid, higher, nor varying more than any other time in history. The United States of America is one of the lowest polluters per capita when you consider large industrialized nations. If I make the false statements that “Climate change is a cataclysmic issue,” and “Pretending to help clean up the atmosphere by buying brownie points from someone else will correct the issue,” what other untruths will I be willing to believe and spout next?

Proof of prophylactic drug (aka: vaccine) use.


(from “Incrementalism is the slippery slope that often causes people to slide unintentionally into unethical behavior. It can happen when people cut small corners that become bigger over time.”  For example, almost every instance of accounting fraud begins with people fudging small numbers that grow larger and larger.

People’s brains are not adept at perceiving small changes. In addition, continued exposure to unethical behavior is desensitizing and makes those activities seem routine. Indeed, we can easily lose sight of the fact that those activities are immoral and possibly illegal.

Wrongdoers, and people in general, may never even realize that they are making a life-changing decision when they make small, unethical choices. But in truth, as philosopher Jonathan Glover says, incrementalism is how we “slide into participation by imperceptible degrees so that there is never the sense of a frontier being crossed.”