When I first heard “RISE UP (Lazarus)” by Cain I was immediately reminded of the condition of our country today.
Most people do not realize the story of Lazarus (John 11) is actually a story about “popular opinion” and things like “wokism.” Lazarus was an old family friend of Jesus, and Jesus was well aware of Lazarus’ illness. People came to Jesus while he was traveling and asked him to return to his friend and heal him. Jesus told them that Lazarus would not die. As time passed, and before Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, people rebuked Jesus. The “popular opinion” was that Lazarus had died because Jesus had not come soon enough. The (wokish) belief was that Jesus did not know about or care that his good friend had fallen ill and died. They believed this in spite of Jesus telling them Lazarus would not die. When Jesus came to town, he told Lazarus to “Rise Up” and Lazarus rose out of the dark, and above the fog of misinformation and social opinion to prove that things were actually exactly as Jesus had stated, “This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.”
The sickness we are currently experiencing in the United States of America is for “God’s Glory.” God calling us from the tomb of lies we have been living under. We must Rise Up America. Listen to the words of this song and see how they relate to America today and the lies being told to you by the mockingbird drive by media.
Lyrics from christian-songlyrics.net
(click link for full lyrics – THEY WILL MOVE YOU!)
In the dark and all alone, growing comfortable
Are you too scared to move and walk out of this tomb?
Buried underneath, the lies that you believed
Safe and sound, stuck in the ground
Too lost to be found
You’re just asleep and it’s time to leave
Life has been good in the USA relative to other countries basically since its inception. We have had less poverty, less slavery, less starvation, and more overall prosperity than every other country on earth for over 200 years. This has caused the Citizens of the USA to generally feel comfortable and satisfied with their lives. We have been sitting quietly back and enjoying all of this success. We have not been watching over the people we elected to run our lives (politicians and unions). We have not been watching over the people who we allow to teach our children. We have not even been watching over the people we trust to tell us what is going on in the world (news media).
As a result of this, people who hate our great nation and everything it stands for have been trying to take over every aspect of your life. They have kept us in a fog of disinformation, deception and lies while they infiltrated every aspect of our lives and taught our children to fear and hate. That fog now envelopes us like a grave. From the moment I heard the song RISE UP by Cain I felt God telling me to bring this message to everyone…
There is still HOPE! That Hope is YOU. It is time to #RISEUP out of that grave America!
If we all RISE UP in some way it will result in a mighty ROAR!
The level to which you Rise does not matter. Only the fact that you have Risen. Please commit to RISE now for your children, your community, your city, your county, your state and your country. It can be as simple as getting more informed, but there is so much more you can Rise Up to…
Rise Up and Be HUMAN (..and humane)
Rise Up for God
Rise Up for Jesus
Rise Up for the Love of Creation
Rise Up for peace, prosperity, freedom and liberty for all Humans
Rise Up for your children
Rise Up and call out GENOCIDE of Uyghurs in China
Rise Up and open a door for someone
Rise Up and Call your City Council
Rise Up and Call your County Commissioner, Supervisor or whatever they call themselves
Rise Up and Call your State Legislators
Rise Up and Call your Congressman/woman
Rise Up and Call your Senator
Rise Up and Call News Agencies and ask them to stop lying and suppressing truth
Rise Up and tell your school board “NO CRT!” (or what ever the unPatriots are calling it nowdays)
Rise Up and Call your Child’s Teacher and demand to see lesson plans
Rise Up against Unconstitutional Mask Mandates
Rise up against UnConstitutional Bureaucratic controls
Rise Up for everyone’s Freedom to Worship
Rise Up for everyone’s right to speak in ANY way at any time
Rise UP for the reinstitution of the Fairness Doctrine
Rise Up for “un-signaled virtue” (Matthew 6:1-4)
Rise Up for “Go Woke, Go Broke”
Rise Up for Accurate History
Rise Up for Strength and Intestinal Fortitude
Rise Up for the right to enjoy your front porch
Rise Up and take back your school board
Rise Up and take back your City Council
Rise Up and ask qualified Candidates to Rise Up with you
Rise Up for millions of people who lost their lives for your freedom
Rise Up for our Founding Fathers
Rise Up for The Constitution
Rise Up for The Bill of Rights
Rise Up for the Future of America
Rise Up for Facts and True Scientific Method
Rise Up for your neighbor
Rise Up for Humans
Rise Up against fear
Rise Up against hate
Rise Up against the socialist indoctrination of our children
Rise Up for the lives, neighborhoods and businesses that Democrats, BLM and antifa have killed, and continue to kill.
Rise Up and go shopping without a face diaper
Rise Up and VOTE with your time, voice and dollars every day.
…and when you RISE UP you will find that you are not alone, you have never been alone and that you do not need to be alone (in a “…grave like Lazarus”). You will find love and support for who and what you are. You will find support for The United States of America as founded and for God the Father. You will feel supported by the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights and true Patriots no matter who you. Because they protect who YOU are.
You are Human.
So come on people RISE UP!
Please share below how you are RISING UP to help inspire others. I really want to hear about the small things. When you see someone RISING UP, thank them, tell them about RussIsForUS.com/rise-up, and ask them to pay it forward.
Please help me Rise Up with a Donation today! I appreciate your support!
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