Appearances, Forums, Debates

Speeches, Q&A, Live Juxtaposition with Opponents.
I have had many more appearances, but not all of them have been recorded. Also, it does not really matter when these appearances were, My position is what it is. I am not a flip-flopper.
You can also see more at the #RussIsForUS Vitual Rally, and on my Q&A response pages with KATU, The Statesman Journal, and iVoterGuide.
Think Out Loud (OPB) – 5/7/24

In this Forum Mike Erickson says that he would have voted to pass the $95 Billion omnibus bill that included aid for Ukrain, Isreal, and LGBTQ+ events for children.
(that question starts at 16:05 in the recording.)
Oregon Fight Club 4/26/24
“A Constitutionalist” with Michael Marsh 4/23/24
Capitol Community Media – Salem Channel 21
Capitol City Republican Women – 4/11/24
“Newsmakers at Noon” – KYKN Radio 1430am – 4/10/24″
My Interview starts at 22:45 in the program.
1430KYKN · Newsmakers 04 – 10 – 2024 Pastor Mark Hanke, David Russ
Polk County Republican Party – 3/14/24
League of Women Voters – 4/20/22

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Oh The Humanity KYKN Radio 1430am – 4/18/22
Yamhill County Republican Party Debate – 4/18/22
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Video #1 Appearances at 26:17, 41:45 & 54:18 in program.
VIDEO #1 –
Video #2 Appearances at 6:09, 16:52 & 47:10 in program.
VIDEO #2 –
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